Wednesday 28 March 2012

Carnival of Monsters: The Ergon

Carnival of Monsters

Number One: The Ergon.

I mean, seriously?

Q: Why did the Ergon cross the road?

A: He didn’t mean to, bless him. He was trying to walk in a straight line.

So Omega, the abandoned and bitter creator of Time Lord time travel, living in a lonely hell in an anti-matter universe, sustained only by the power of his own will, decides one day that he needs a friend, a loyal henchman who will do his bidding, provide deep intellectual company and be most pleasing on his non-existent eyes. After all, his gell-guards have become quite annoying ever since they discovered they could pop each other like bubble wrap.

So, in their place, he creates a walking chicken. When I say walking, I mean that in the loosest possible sense.

And Omega says he’s not insane...

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